Home Improvement in Lansing MI

Lake State Decorating
Page Status:
First Listed: 2/10/2009

Lake State Decorating

Home Improvement in Lansing MI

Lake State Decorating is known for quality work, professional service and technical knowledge. Serving the Lansing area for over 100 years, with digital camera, photo album, image editing, web easy, scanner, VCOM. Commercial painting and wall covering since 1891. Located at 3240 West St. Joseph in Lansing, Michigan. They constantly strive to exceed their customer's expectations, often times meeting difficult deadlines and schedules.
Lake State Decorating

DreamMaker Bath and Kitchen
Page Status:
First Listed: 2/7/2009

DreamMaker Bath and Kitchen

Home Improvement in Lansing MI

Services include kitchens, baths, quality remodeling. This is proud to be able to offer you the best in home remodeling services. Browse around, see how they truly can help to transform your home into the home you dream it to be. As part of the DreamMaker network they can offer remodeling expertise and service for your home with the highest standard of quality. A local franchise.
DreamMaker Bath and Kitchen

SunnyMac Solar
Page Status:
First Listed: 5/27/2013

SunnyMac Solar

Home Improvement: Solar Energy in Lansing MI

Provides solar power to the Mid-Atlantic states of Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Washington, D.C. Get clean, renewable solar energy and save. SunnyMac will conduct a site evaluation free. The evaluator will determine the solar potential of your roof space and explain the benefits of solar power.
SunnyMac Solar